Welcome to Alexander Academy’s Blog
Written by Alexander Academy in School News on December 15, 2020
Welcome to Alexander Academy’s new blog!
We look forward to growing with you as we share our exciting news, updates and school culture with our readers. We hope that our blog will be a place where you can find interesting and thought-provoking content.
We strive to provide content that offers important, motivating, and educational information. In addition, our new school blog is a great way to stay informed with what’s going on at Alexander Academy!

As we continue to build our blog, you’ll learn about some of our past and present events at our school such as our students’ participation in beach clean ups, Pink Shirt Day or WE Day activities.
This blog will also be used as a sharing tool for teachers and students, providing us with the opportunity to share our students’ learning experiences while showcasing what life is like in our classrooms.
Furthermore, our blog will also act as a hub of information regarding everything that is going on within our school community.

If you would like stay up to date, family and friends may subscribe to our blog by entering an email address into the subscribe section. In doing so, you’ll be able to read our new content whenever you receive a new email from us!
Please enjoy reading our posts and we look forward to growing with you as we embark on this new journey.
Thanks for stopping by!
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