Amazing Alexandrian Alumni

Welcome to our Alumni page!
We believe that your connection to Alexander Academy and other Alumni should not stop at graduation.

We hope to engage our Alumni and our current programs, and provide networking opportunities, and reconnect you with your classmates and the entire Amazing Alexandrian Community.

Alexander Academy graduates have offers from colleges and universities here in Canada and abroad!
We look forward to hearing from them as they take on these new adventures!

Alumni Stories

Each year’s graduating class of Amazing Alexandrians leave our school with memories that last a lifetime.
Click on the photos below to see where they are now!

X Alua-bostanova

Alua Bostanova

AA Alumni

My name Alua Bostanova and I am an Alexander Academy graduate. I am currently studying at UBC. I am also working on two of the ideas I would like to develop, which have become my part-time job. I have recently learned about Crypto and started investing. I also did an internship. All of this was encouraged by the teachers, staff, and students from Alexander Academy. Each of them helped me become who I am today, and open up more and more.

When I just started grade 10 at Alexander Academy, it was the first year I moved away from my hometown, by myself to Canada. I was not able to speak English and could not understand others and furthermore, even, express myself. I am so grateful for the Alexander Academy community, as everyone there welcomed me and was there for me throughout my entire journey.

By the end of grade 10, I was confident enough to start my own debate club at school. I was also the captain of a certain amount of students. Alexander Academy opened a lot of different opportunities for me and offered me great experiences.

In the future, I am planning to become a business analyst and continue working on my self-improvement.


Luna Petersson

AA Alumni

I recently moved to a city called Malmö in Sweden to study media and communication science (bachelor’s program) at Malmö University! AA was one of the greatest times of my life, beautiful memories that I will carry with me for the rest of my life

It was such a great experience in every kind of ways, school-wise, friends, and exploring❤️ I am so thankful for the year I spent in Vancouver at AA, it truly made me find everything from my future bridesmaids to my dream education! I miss it every day, looking forward to coming back and visit someday!


Mutia Juristia 

AA Alumni

I am currently working as an outreach support worker at Strive Living Society. It’s great being able to go right into social services industry after finishing college! My work involves engaging people in recreational activities. That being said, I love doing fun things while being connected to the community!

Alexander Academy provided me with a safe place to thrive as an individual. This allowed me to challenge my comfort zones because I knew that even if I failed, I could still try again with the support from my classmates and the teachers. Well, I forgot to name certain equations from Pre-Calculus class, but I definitely remember how comforting it is to have a safe place I could always come back to. I consider myself to be lucky for being given access to explore my passion in the community. I learned that the ability to connect different subjects (even the ones that seemed to be opposite each other) is a very useful skill. For instance, the job I have now allows me to connect arts and chemistry in order to understand solutions to some problems.

The teachers at Alexander Academy deserve credit for teaching me critical thinking. They have prepared me very well for first-year classes that involved a lot of essay writing. My history professor once said, “Where did you learn historical thinking skills? It seems like you have good practice with this already”. If I hadn’t taken History 12 and English 12, I don’t think I would be prepared for history class. Additionally, I was also prepared for first-year Physiology class. It was hard work back then, but it wasn’t that tough in college.


Niki Amini

AA Alumni

After having left Alexander Academy I decided to move to London to attend to Regents University of Business and after a year I transferred to UBC Sauder. I’m currently pursuing my bachelor’s degree in commerce. During this whole time of change I never lost touch with my amazing teachers and friends from Alexander Academy , there been with me and supported me whenever I needed them.

Having the chance to experience the international community of Alexander Academy gave me a chance to get a better understanding of different cultures which led to build friendships that we hold up to it to this day.

At Alexander Academy we were taught respect, tolerance and discipline it’s part of the “ Alexander spirit”. Mr. Garcia, Mr. Hildebrand and other teachers were enthusiastic in teaching us and always had an open ear to listen to our wishes and problems.

After graduating from UBC I’m planing to go to Milan to pursue my MBA at Bocconi University so I can reach my goal to launch my own company.


Nelson Lessard

AA Alumni

My name is Nelson Lessard and I am an alumnus of Alexander Academy. I currently study at SFU Beedie School of Business to obtain a bachelor’s degree in administration. Alexander Academy made this not only possible, but a fun, wholesome experience that will remain with me forever. I had come from Eastern Canada, where high school goes up to grade 11, followed by two years of mandatory college as pre university preparation. Due to the college system in Quebec being in french, it typically is hard for Quebecers to get in to high level universities outside of the province. This led to my transfer to Alexander Academy in downtown Vancouver, having been incentivized by their offering of college courses on top of my regular highschool courses.

This turned out to be very advantageous for two distinct reason. First of which is that it prepares you for the same set of parameters that are true in university, such as due dates, attendance rules, connections with teachers, course content, etc. Second of which it allowed me to take elective university-level courses in advance, freeing up my schedule in my first year of university. As this may have been what first attracted me to Alexander Academy, I found the school as an experience to be much more than just that.

The first sign of this school’s quality was Berenice Lewis’ great sales pitch, then an orientation service of great depth with Jenny Guan, infinite support from the likes of Mr. Todd, Mr. Spencer, Mr. Garcia as well as so many more, and the tightly-knit community of students, both past and present, making school such a fun thing to come to in the morning. If you are looking to have a highschool experience that both motivates and excites you, while giving you infinite resources to get where you want to go, look no further than Alexander Academy.


Gabriel Chan

AA Alumni

Where are you studying now?
I am studying at Langara College

Experience at Alexander Academy?
My epxerience at Alexnader Academy were very pleasant. There are people from a diversity of places, which brings the feeling that you are not alone at school. The teachers are willing to help you if you don’t understood a part of the course correctly, so don’t be afraid to ask them questions.

Advices for “new” students?
Try to make a lot of friends, they are going to help you when you are struggling in a course and vice-versa, mainly if you don’t want to ask the teacher in person. Furthermore, I would say that the school is a preparation for further problems in the future, it helps you make decisions and understand how they can impact your life, so try to think a little outside the box sometimes.

(p.s: Time management is the key for success)


Olivia Pan

AA Alumni

My name is Olivia Pan and I was graduated from AA in 2020. Time flies and now I have moved to London. I currently studying BA Digital Culture at King’s College London.

Life in Vancouver and in AA was one of the most beautiful and memorable moments in my whole life. During my two years with AA, I gained a lot and learned a lot. In Vancouver, I received loved from all of the teachers and friends that made me feel warm and right at home. I really appreciated what I achieved in AA and finally, I truly learnt what I really wanted to do in the future.

Hopefully, I can visit AA and Vancouver someday. I miss it so much! ?

Alumni Survey

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Graduation Videos

Click the photos to watch the video event highlights

Alexander Academy Graduates 2022 [VIDEO]
Alexander Academy Graduates 2021 [VIDEO]
Alexander Academy Graduates 2020 [VIDEO]
Alexander Academy Graduates 2019 [VIDEO]
Alexander Academy Graduates 2018 [VIDEO]
Alexander Academy Graduates 2017 [VIDEO]
Alexander Academy Graduates 2016 [VIDEO]
Alexander Academy Graduates 2015